What is the Michigan Physical Activity Plan?

The MPAP is a state-level version of the National Physical Activity Plan. While the national plan is a robust document that focuses on broad national strategies and tactics, the MPAP refines those strategies and tactics to the unique needs in the State of Michigan. Importantly, the MPAP will focus on implementing programs within the ten societal sectors of the plan, measuring the impact and outcomes of those programs on population health.

Why is the Michigan Physical
Activity Plan so Important?

Only 23.4% of Michigan residents meet the CDC recommendations for physical activity, ranking the state 24th nationally in physical activity levels. The public health and economic costs of inactivity are staggering; costing over $117 billion dollars (nationally) on an annual basis. In order to ensure sustainable policy and systems change around physical activity the Michigan Moves Coalition is partnering with the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services to create a clear roadmap to help Michiganders move more.

The status quo is clearly not working and the siloed approach that currently exists in the State of Michigan is not moving the needle on physical activity levels. Many groups in the State are doing great work to improve physical activity, but the fragmented nature of the work limits impact and effectiveness. The MPAP will be the guiding document to create a movement for movement in the State of Michigan, ultimately amplifying the impact of the physical activity community.

When and How is this Happening?

The Michigan Moves Coalition is working with its partner organizations and the State’s esteemed academic institutions to develop the plan using frameworks provided by the Physical Activity Alliance. The high-level timeline is as follows:

  • 2024: Organizational Capacity & Coalition Building
  • 2025: Funding, Organizing, & Authoring the MPAP
  • 2026: Implementing targeted Sectoral Programs
  • 2027: Surveillance & Data Collection of Targeted Sectoral Programs
  • 2028 & Beyond: Continuous Implementation, Surveillance & Data Collection of Programs in all Societal Sectors